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[A-DX] WG: Rampisham transmitter site to close by Christmas

  • Subject: [A-DX] WG: Rampisham transmitter site to close by Christmas
  • From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 17:54:28 +0200

Vielleicht kann man das ja einfach mal so weiterleiten für die, die kein
DXLD lesen: Der Sender Rampisham in Großbritannien wird Weihnachten 2011

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Alan
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. August 2011 17:48
An: bdxc-news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: [dxld] Rampisham transmitter site to close by Christmas

from BECTU Union website 18 August 2011:

Rampisham transmitter site to close by Christmas

Babcock Engineering has announced plans to close the Rampisham transmitter
site by Christmas 2011.

BECTU members at the Rampisham transmitter site in Dorset run by Babcock
Engineering were shocked to learn yesterday (17 August) of plans to close
the facility by Christmas with the loss of 19 jobs.

Staff across the UK had been expecting bad news after the decision by BBC
World Service in January this year to sharply reduce the number of hours of
shortwave broadcasting and to end it altogether by 2014.

Despite this advance warning, yesterday's announcement still came as a
shock. The company also plans to close three posts at the Woofferton site in
Shropshire with four at Orford Ness in Suffolk also at risk of closure.

An initial meeting between BECTU representatives and management took place
yesterday; the consultation period is due to end on 19 September.

Assistant general secretary Luke Crawley said:

"The loss of 19 jobs at Rampisham and seven elsewhere in the network will
come as a terrible blow to our members. We have already pressed the
management to do everything they can to minimise the impact including
offering redeployment and retraining where appropriate. Transmission members
will note with regret that this announcement will also end seventy years of
shortwave broadcasting from Rampisham."

Criticism of the FCO

BECTU has strongly criticised the coalition government for pushing through a
16 per cent cut in the grant provided to the World Service from the Foreign
and Commonwealth Office (FCO). This was considerably higher than the 10 per
cent cut in the FCO budget for other areas. It was this disproportionate
reduction which lead the BBC to decide to reduce shortwave broadcasts
immediately and end them by 2014.

BECTU's campaign against the unfair settlement included giving evidence to
the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in Parliament. The highly critical
report which followed led to some funds being restored to the World Service.
However the representations did not persuade the BBC to change its mind
about ending shortwave transmission despite the fact that listeners to
shortwave make up half of the World Service audience.


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