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Re: [A-DX] Re: R.Afghanistan on 6100 kHz --> Relais

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Re: R.Afghanistan on 6100 kHz --> Relais
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:12:53 +0200

Den ollen 20 kW Telefunkensender habe ich etwa 1969 bis 1978 noch gehört.
73 wb

Various USSR shortwave frequency relays used by R Afghanistan
in 1980 till 1991 years.

Re 15195 by Edwin Sothwell in WDXC Contact:
"For a while, external services were relayed via USSR; was that the case
with 15195? (gh, dxld Jan 5, 2009)"

No, I checked the 1980 Handbook and the external service was on 11805
1630-1700 in Russian and 1730-1930 on 15075 in Arabic, Pushto, Dari,
German and English using 100 kW transmitters in Afghanistan.

Schedule expanded to 6 hours daily in the 1981 Handbook with the
additional use of a 50 kW transmitter on 6230 1330-1600 in Urdu and
English. 15075 now listed as 15077.

The 1982 Handbook shows the addition of a Russian transmitter on 9665 at
1730-1930. The 1983 Handbook shows the 6230 transmitter being used 1000-
1030 in English and 1230-1430 in Urdu now with two Russian transmitters
also being used on 15255 and 21460. The 1700 Arabic broadcast also on
15470 via Russia, 9655 and 11960 via Russia being used for the 1730-1930

I don't have the 1976 through 1979 Handbooks. The 1975 one has the same
schedule as shown in the article with the addition of Arabic 1000-1030 on
15195, listed as 100 kW from Kabul.
(Mike Barraclough-UK, dxld Jan 5)

Hi dear Edwin, 15195 kHz noon service frequency was used by Radio
Afghanistan approx. 1973 till 1979 before USSR occupation help to the left
wing government regime occurred.

My QSL's of 1969-1970 were issued on 11790 and 15265 kHz channels, which
were in use till approx. 1972/1973.

From Kabul site, see AFG Kabul Udkhel, four SW masts in 122 / 302 degr
azimuth. 302 degrs towards Europe. More four masts towards Middle East at
230 to 270 degr are like scrap, visible on the south-western corner of the

34 32 20.78 N  69 20 48.42 E  on Google Earth.
The shortwave mast ruins are visible at

see both, SW mast ruins and two tall MW masts of 1107 and 1296 kHz MW

Unfortunately MW location strip image blocked by a BLACK mask in Google
Maps! An intelligence service action ?

Various USSR shortwave frequency relays used by R Afghanistan in 1980 till
1991 years.

After that - in Taliban era - only single 9635 and 4775 were in use from old
Kabul Yakatut site, see 34 32 24.35 N  69 12 40.35 E
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 4/5, 2009)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Herbert Meixner" <hmeixner@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 8:23 PM
Subject: [A-DX] Re: R.Afghanistan on 6100 kHz --> Relais

National Radio of Laos, Vientiane, ueber die UdSSR, +-1985
faellt mir dazu ein.

Mit Gruss,

Am 31.07.2011 20:15, schrieb Wolfgang Thiele:
Am 31.07.2011 19:48, schrieb Wolfgang Bueschel:

wäre ich etwas skeptisch gewesen, weil 6100 kHz zu anderer Sendezeit ein
Heimatkanal vom AIR Kashmiri Service in Urdu ist.

Die ollen Telefunkensender wurden während der sowjetischen Besatzungszeit
bestimmt durch Leningrader Hardware ersetzt? Und eine der Antennen die
bei den Bombardements zerstört wurden, könnten wieder zusammen geflickt
worden sein.

Meiner Erinnerung nach standen doch in der Zeit des sowjetisch
gestützten Regimes die Sender für den Auslandsdienst, Radio Afghanistan
(auch mit deutschsprachigem Programm), in der Sowjetunion, oder?


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