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[A-DX] Wintersonnenwende, Hinweis spezielle BBC Sendung heute Abend

  • Subject: [A-DX] Wintersonnenwende, Hinweis spezielle BBC Sendung heute Abend
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 19:14:42 +0200

Only SINGLE DAY June 21 operation to CIRAF zones 69,70,71,72,73,74.

2130-2200 UT Tuesday June 21 only.

5950  SKN 300 180   0 205 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB
7295  RMP 500 180 -10 205 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB
7360  ASC 250 207   0 547 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB
9850  SKN 300 180   0 216 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB

The once-a-year BBC special to the British Antarctic Survey is scheduled
every winter Solstice, such as June 21 at 2130-2200, frequencies this year
being 5950, 7295 and 9850 from UK, 7360 via Ascension. We might have a
chance at the two higher frequencies in North America, the further east the
better. Probably mainly greetings from family members, music requests ...

The BBC has already posted a recording of the half-hour broadcast at:


73 wb
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