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[A-DX] Log: FRSH, E, 7685, 1820...UC, 19.06.2011

  • Subject: [A-DX] Log: FRSH, E, 7685, 1820...UC, 19.06.2011
  • From: Herbert Meixner <hmeixner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 20:26:40 +0200

Mit O=3, S=4, Rauschen, Gewitter und Fading

Mit Gruss,
A-3160 Traisen
NRD 535 DG, ARA 30
Next Sunday (June 19th) FRS-Holland will be on air with full programming.
Opposite to our usual broadcasts, this one will
take place in the /evening hours /between *16:52- 22:00 UTC/ 18:52- 24:00 CEST.* FRS-Holland will be on _7685kHz_ avoiding 7600 and 7595 interference during the
first part of the broadcast.
7685 isn’t affected by adjacent channels being used by other stations.
Especially during the last part of the broadcast
it will be interesting if & how signals will be received to the east (Russia,
Ukraine etc.).
We will take our time...it'll be an 'old fashioned' long FRS broadcast: 5
hours!!. Our full staff will be involved including
Paul Graham who was absent for quite some time. This time we will deviate from
the usual schedule: 3 blocks of resp.
60s, 70s and 80s tracks, a DX Show and a show with mostly tunes. We will handle
/no letters/, there’s no /Phrase that Pays/,
*the music comes first*! Although each show will include 1 or 2 short radio
related items !

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