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[A-DX] BBCWS antarctic midwinter special on June 21 ?

  • Subject: [A-DX] BBCWS antarctic midwinter special on June 21 ?
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:04:10 +0200


ASCENSION ISL/U.K.   Tuesday only transmission registered by BBC London. Is
that a midsummer night solstice event for British Antarctica audience people
on June 21 - once again?

Only SINGLE DAY June 21 operation ? to CIRAF zones 69,70,71,72,73,74.

2130-2145 UT Tues June 21 only.
5950  SKN 300 180   0 205 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB
7295  RMP 500 180 -10 205 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB
7360  ASC 250 207   0 547 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB
9850  SKN 300 180   0 216 3=Tue  English G  BBC BAB

Did they cut the cost from previous 2130-2200 UT - 30 mins to 15 minutes duration this A-11 season ?

Nothing noted on estimated link - yet:
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 15)

ASCENSION ISL/U.K.  Last year BBWS had a special midwinter shortwave
broadcast to Antarctica on Sunday 21 June 2009 at 2130 UTC.

It's apparantly on every year. I've googled around, but can find no
reference to this year's broadcast. So, one to search for. Last year it was
on 5950 and 7295 via Rampisham and 7360 via Ascension.
(Alan Roe-UK, BrDXC-UK June 21, 2010)

Look out for BBCWS special broadcast to Antarctica on June 21. BBC World
Service at last has some details on the special half hour Antarctic
Midwinter Broadcast tonight:


The broadcast can be heard in the South Atlantic on Monday 21 June 2010 at
2130-2200 UT on the following short-wave frequencies:
RMP 5950 kHz (49 metre band)
RMP 7295 kHz (41 metre band)
ASC 7360 kHz (41 metre band)

BBCWS to conduct special midwinter broadcast to Antarctica June 19th, 2009
- 11:56 UTC by Andy Sennitt

The BBC World Service will be making a special midwinter shortwave broadcast
to Antarctica on Monday 21 June at 2130 UTC. The broadcast is directed to
members of the British Antarctic Survey, and will be on the following

a.. 5950 kHz (from Rampisham, UK)
b.. 7295 kHz (from Rampisham, UK)
c.. 7360 kHz (from Ascension Isl)
(Source: Travellin' South blog: <http://alloutput.com/blog/>
(Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK June 21, 2010)

Didn't even try the other two (7295 and 5950), since 7360 was fine
(Rampisham or Ascension?). Brought back happy memories of BBC Calling the
Falklands. Tnx Alan Pennington for alert and very 73 de
(Anne Fanelli-Elma NY-USA, dxld June 21, 2010)




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