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Re: [A-DX] Utility: auch Osterinsel

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Utility: auch Osterinsel
  • From: Dietmar Birkhahn <dbi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 13:16:01 +0200

07@[Sounding THIS WAS] [from ECO07       ] (his BER=18 + SINAD=01)
[Sounding THIS WAS] [from ECO07       ] (his BER=17 + SINAD=01)
[Sounding THIS WAS] [from ECO07       ] (his BER=14 + SINAD=01)
[Call] [from ECO         ] [to ECO01       ] (his BER=27 + SINAD=02)
01@[Call] [from "QG         ] [to ECO         ] [my BER= 0 + SINAD=21]
(his BER=25 + SINAD=02)
[Call] [from ISLADE      ] [to ECO05       ] (his BER=28 + SINAD=02)

Wobei das Zauberwort ISLADEPASCUA noch nicht ganz dabei ist...

Aber schaun wir mal was in der kommenden Nacht passiert...

73 !


Dietmar Birkhahn
QTH: Lindlar,30km in the east of Cologne,Germany,JO31qa
RX:  Icom IC-R75 with DSP,DRM and KIWA Mods, Perseus SDR,
     Pappradio SDR
Ant: ALA100 @4m,3x4m,360°turnable - GPA30@6m

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