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Re: [A-DX] LOG: 7811 kHz USB american English, ".....AFN.....Westpoint.....AP Radio News.......AFN....AFN....." 35333 bis 35444 Dipol/S650

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] LOG: 7811 kHz USB american English, ".....AFN.....Westpoint.....AP Radio News.......AFN....AFN....." 35333 bis 35444 Dipol/S650
  • From: Roger <roger.roger@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 08:31:11 +0200


Key West, Florida.....


"...AFN Key West, FL transmitting to the
    Atlantic Oceans and Caribbean Sea
    5446.5 kHz USB
    7812.5* kHz USB
    12,133.5 kHz USB
    All Frequencies 24/7 both Day and Night
    * Note the Listed 7812.5 kHz USB Transmission
    is actually heard on 7811 kHz USB

Thanks for the info. I'm hearing all 3 freqs as I type this. Both
12133.5 and 7811 about S7, but 5446.5 down in the mud. I still haven't
heard AFN Guam yet...."


73+55 roger

gegen  06.30 utc   noch mit   25333
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