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[A-DX] Fw: HCJB's DX Partyline prpgram to close

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: HCJB's DX Partyline prpgram to close
  • From: "Paul Gager" <aon.913879759@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 09:20:28 +0200

Vorm MaiAufmarsch erreichte mich noch diese (negative)Meldung.
Vielleicht von Interesse?:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Padula"
To: "Cumdx" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 1:08 AM
Subject: [Cumbre DX] HCJB's DX Partyline prpgram to close

To all,

I have received a message from Allen Graham, host of HCJB's DX Partyline,
that the program will be closing down, with the final edition to be
broadcast on the weekend of May 28/29 2011.

The show was first broadcast on May 29, 1961, which means that it will have
celebrated 50 years at the date of closing.

DXPL currently is broadcast on shortwave over HCJB-Australia at Kunnunurra,
Weatern Australia, and on relay over WRMI, WWCR, and European Gospel Radio

The show on April 30 carried Allen's announcement of the impending closure.

Regards from Melbourne!

Bob Padula

Hoch die Arbeit!

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