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[A-DX] LOG 6910 kHz USB "MARS-Aktivitäten"

  • Subject: [A-DX] LOG 6910 kHz USB "MARS-Aktivitäten"
  • From: Roger <roger.roger@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 12:42:54 +0200

".....MARS Overview

The primary function of U.S. Army Military Affiliate Radio System members is to
provide an emergency communications infrastructure for handling emergency
management traffic for federal, state, and local organizations and agencies. We also pass health and welfare traffic (MARSgrams) between members of the Armed
Forces and their families.

There are over 4,000 civilian members (all of them Amateur Radio operators)
donating time and equipment to the Army MARS program. During recent national
emergency communications exercises, the majority of the stations checking into
the HF radio nets were MARS stations (Army, Air Force and Navy/Marine Corps


MARS = Military Affiliate Radio System


73+55 roger

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