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Re: [A-DX] JJY 40kHz abgeschaltet

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] JJY 40kHz abgeschaltet
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 12:30:35 +0100

AKW  37°25'17.18"N  141°01'59.13"E


Distanz 17.3 km nach

JPN  VLF JJY-40 Ohtakadoya-yama 40 kHz
37°22'21.55"N  140°50'55.72"E


andere VLF Stationen in Japan:

JPN JJY-60 Hagana-yama 60 kHz time signal
33°27'54.39"N  130°10'31.99"E
1077 km südlich vom AKW

und die Marine/U-Boot Station
JPN  VLF JJI NDT Ebino 22.2 kHz
32°04'34.94"N  130°49'43.05"E

viele Antennen stehen auch in der Nähe von R Nikkei Nagara bc stn
mit vielen Antennen für Direction Finding Ortung:
JPN  Nagara Ichihara maritime station
35°26'48.12"N  140°10'56.32"E

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christoph Ratzer" <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:35 AM
Subject: [A-DX] JJY 40kHz abgeschaltet

via DXLD:
According to™@NICT(National Institute of Communications and Information
Technology), JJY Ootakadoya transmitter site (40kHz), which transmits
standard time signal, has stopped transmission since 1046UT on March 11. The
reason is the evacuation order by the Japanese government in view of the
danger of Fukushima Nuclear Power Station, severely damaged by the large
earthquake and tsunami on March 11. The transmitter site is located at the
top of Mt.Ootakadoya in Fukushima prefecture, 16km from Fukushima Nuclear
Power Station. After the melt-down and explosion in nuclear rector of the
power station, government ordered the inhabitants within 20km from the power
station to evacuate.

Takahito Akabayashi

73 Christoph

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