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[A-DX] Fwd: [BDXC-UK] Radio Nord Revival QSL postal address

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: [BDXC-UK] Radio Nord Revival QSL postal address
  • From: Name gelöscht <abo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 15:23:21 +0100

kam eben vom bdxc.
73 ABo

 from bdxc-news

from Ronny Forslund on http://radionordrevival.blogspot.com/ this morning:

Radio Nord Revival QSL

Many of you have asked whether we will verify reception reports and
naturally, we will do that! This project is run by radio enthusiasts so we
very well understand the importance of a QSL. After all, your observations
and reception reports are very valuable for us so it is a courtesy of
thanking you for your efforts.

The number of reception reports has been impressive and they still keep on
coming in. Keep'em coming - we would very much like to hear how YOU could
pick us up at your location. You can mail your reception reports to
ronny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx There has been a couple of old email addresses which
have bounced so  this is the one to use. Also, please write a comment in
this blog about how you could hear us, where you are - and, not least: what
you thought of the programme.

Reception reports by good, old-fashioned regular mail ('snail mail') can be
sent to:

Ronny Forslund
Radio Nord Revival
Vita Huset
SE-17995 Svartsjö

A printed QSL card will soon be available. Return postage in some form will
be appreciated, either stamps, International Reply Cupons or $. If you are
satisfied with an e-mail confirming your report we will gladly respond as
time permits. However, I don't really see the point of sending a scan of a
QSL card including personal details and reception information via email. If
you want a QSL card, wouldn't it be better to have the real thing delivered
to your letterbox? Besides, scanning each and every personal QSL just to
mail them to you seems a bit overdone - it just adds extra amount of work.
It's so much quicker to just put a real QSL card in the letterbox. But of
course we will gladly respond with plain e-mails to each and every e-mail

Thank you so much for your interest in our Radio Nord Revival project. Your
support have made it all worthwhile. We will be back soon - do check out
this blog for updates.


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