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[A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Re: Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz via Wertachtal Germany site

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Re: Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz via Wertachtal Germany site
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:21:23 +0100

Also, >>er lebt noch><, um mit der Schnulze zu sprechen ...
Für alle Bestätigungsjäger ein Hoffnungsfunken aus Friesland. 73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "David & Anne Foster" <david_anne_foster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: [DXplorer] Re: Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz
via Wertachtal Germany site

Hi Don
The email is familie-koelzow@xxxxxxxxxxx. Got a reply from Arjan Kölzow a
few days ago so the email is in good working order. I forgot to listen to it
this time (3 a.m. here so not always up at that hour).
Cheers - David Foster

From: Wolfgang Bueschel <>
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 11:28 AM
To: Jerry Berg <mailto:jsberg@xxxxxxx>  ; DXplorer
Subject: [DXplorer] Re: Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz via
Wertachtal Germany site

Hi Jerry,
That's a special "once a year" single day broadcast on Petri {St.Peter} Day,
as broadcast always on February 21, every year since 2006 year.

On air via Wertachtal TX site, 500 kW, which costs the guys 300 EURo lease
cost, plus production cost.

Program transmission can be heard on Internet as well as on SW 15215 kHz at
1557-1700 UT aimed towards North America, - I guess - in about 305 to 310
degrees main lobe azimuth. Best reception every year on Canadian New
Brunswick coast and Maine like New England states etc.

Program produced in Frisian/and some English language part in between at the
Frisian school institute at Flensburg in order to protect the {North}
Frisian dialect.

Frisian is a LOWER GERMAN 'dialect', rather modified Dutch similar language
family, divided in Frisland-Netherlands, "Eastern Frisia" in Germany between
Emden and Bremerhaven, and "Northern Frisia" language area [divided in 12
sub-dialects] between Brunsbüttel - Amrum island - Sylt island up to the
Danish border etc.

Acc to the "Radio Öömrang" broadcast crew, there are living more "Amrum
Island" citizens around NY and NJ now, than remained on the island lately.

Öömrang (Amrum Frisian dialect)
Öömrang is the dialect of the North Frisian language spoken on the island of
Amrum in the German region of North Frisia.

(of 2009).


At least 5000 North Frisian people emigrated overseas since but hidden in
the early 17th century.
See database of emigrants overseas:

click to Stars and Stripes flag icon

see also St.Peters/Petri Day, and Biike-Brennen






after 19 seconds advert




vy73 de Wolfy

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Berg" <mailto:jsberg%40rcn.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 3:50 PM
Subject: Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz via Wertachtal
Germany site
Wolfie, who/what exactly is this?

From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <mailto:hard-core-dx%40hard-core-dx.com>, "DXLD"
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 12:03:24 +0100
Subject: [HCDX] Fw: Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16
.00 UT 15215 kHz via Wertachtal Germany site

GERMANY 15215 The "ONCE A YEAR" broadcast of Radio Öömrang towards
GB&IRL, NoAM (CAN, USA) on 21 Febr only, 16.00 UT 15215 kHz
via Media&Broadcast Wertachtal Germany, 500 kW.
vy73 wb

History, report of Febr 2010: ---------------------------------------

Radio Oeoemrang 15245 kHz Wertachtal 500 kW at 1557-1700 UT on Feb 21
2010 only.

At 1557 UT sender signed on at Wertachtal. My location is situated like in
the main lobe direction of 300 degrees towards zones 4,8,9 via Stuttgart,
Brussels, London, Edinburgh, and then Nova Scotia, into US Washington etc.

A smidgen fluttery which is not surpring in the 19 meterband, some 120
kilometers away of Wertachtal transmission site, S=9+20dB which is 55555
localy. At 16.00:04 UT anncmt in English, BUT STILL old details of last
year like February 21, 2009, mentioned 15230 kHz and Juelich 100 kW.

Then started in Frisian (lower German) language, which is similar to Dutch
West Frisian language spoken in North Western Netherlands. The Kiel
student Anna read the (local?) news and also a weather report of North Sea
area could be traced.

Powerful Wertachtal 500 Kilowatt Signal should "twist the spoons" in North
America ?

Dann begann es mit Friesich Platt, die Kieler Studentin Anna hatte auch
das Wetter drauf. Und auch noch ein Christoph in Platt war zugange.

Hier anbei noch zwei Mitschnitte von 15245 kHz, total stoerungsfreie
Frequenz, auch die Nachbarkanaele total frei. Flatter Signal in Stuttgart.


Die URL Livestream adresse <http://stream.server150.de/> by Arjan Koelzow.

Das Team von Anna, Christoph, Hauke und Wendy beendete um 16.55:10 UT die
Aussendung, zuvor war eine schnurrige Geschichte in Nordsee Platt von Anna
und Christoph zu Gehoer gebracht worden. Da drehte es sich um eine
Bulgarian Airlines und den Flug New York nach Hamburg.

Die Geschichte stammt von einer Schule aus Flensburg.(?)

Team of Anna, Christoph, Hauke and Wendy ended transmission broadcast at
16.55:10 UT Febr 21. Identification and transmission signing-off ("... til
Febr 2011...") mentioned also snail mail address of

Mr. Arjan Koelzow
Tanenwai 24
25946 Nebel (Amrum island)

which is the sponsor of this broadcast.

Tel. +49 [0] 4682/2688
E-Mail <familie-koelzow @ t-online.de>

Good Bye at 16.56:05 UT.

no audio from Wertachtal anymore til shut-down 16.59:15 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 21, 2010)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Friedrich-Walter Adam" <fwadam @
gmx.eu> Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 10:57 AM
Subject: [A-DX] Radio Öömrang am 21.02.2011

Diese Mail erhielt ich gerade von Arjan Kölzow auf eine Anfrage zum
diesjährigen Sendetermin von Radio Öömrang:

quote: ------------------------------------
Sehr geehrter Herr Adam,
vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage, die ich gerne beantworte. bitte entschuldigen
Sie, dass ich mich erst jetzt melde.

Wie jedes Jahr, seit 2006, sende ich am 21. Februar um 16:00 UTC und um
17:00 MEZ.

Wir haben in diesem Jahr eine neue Frequenz: 15215 Mhz.
Die Empfangsbestätigung kann nachgereicht werden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Arjan Kölzow

73 Fritz-Walter
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Admin: Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM http://www.ratzer.at

Diese Mail wurde ueber die A-DX Mailing-Liste gesendet.
Admin: Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM  http://www.ratzer.at
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