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[A-DX] Radio 6150, nun mit Optimod

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio 6150, nun mit Optimod
  • From: "Nils Schiffhauer" <dk8ok@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 07:43:44 -0000

... was ja irgendwie vorauszusehen war. Der sendet bittet auch hier wieder
um Empfangsberichte, wie Mark West (oder: "Mark West"?) schreibt:

we're sorry to bother you again with our test loop, but today we are running
the 5 watts TX modulated by the Optimod AM system, to increase the audio
We need reports, to compare this signal to the one without signal
processing; please send us a few lines, maybe with an audio recording; thank
Perhaps you could inform some friends, too?
Our signal is on 6.150 kHz, location north of Munich.
Radio 6150

73, Nils DK8OK
Excalibur, SDR-IP/GPS, Perseus, 2 x 20 m active quad loop (90°), 42 m
windom, DX-One prof

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