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[A-DX] Radio Öömrang

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio Öömrang
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 08:28:43 +0100

Nochmals Radio Öömrang  vom Montag 21.2.2011.

Von der Sendung waren wohl auch vor allem die internationalen Beobachter
nicht sehr angetan, sehr monotones Wort-Programm von einer jungen Dame in
Friesisch vorgetragen, keine Englisches Segment, keine Musik, jedenfalls in
der letzten Viertelstunde nicht, - ich war beim Empfang dieses Jahr etwas
spät dran.

In Nordamerika ein propperes Signal, dagegen auf der griechischen Insel sehr
dürftig, da hat wohl der rückwärtige Reflektor-Vorhang in Wertachtal seine
Wirkung gezeigt.

GERMANY  Re 15215 kHz Radio Öömrang via WER 500 kW.
Came home late around 1645 UT, so in rush checked some remote SDR-IQs til
cl-down 1700 UT:

NY S=9+11dB
MA S=9+21dB
KY S=8
WA S=7
GB S=6
GRC S=5 and a lot of noise

endless Amrum island touristic matter ...
73 wb Feb 21, 2011

Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 6:39 AM
Subject: [DXplorer] Radio Oomrang 15215 Feb 21
Pretty uninspiring program. I taped it as I went to work, and just had a
listen. Weak initially, but quite good after the first 30 minutes or so.
Pretty monotoned. Suddenly off in mid-sentence. No music, and all in the
same language (no English). .....Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC

----- Original Message ----- From: "Edward Kusalik - aus Canada " Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011
Subject: [DXplorer] Radio Öömrang

15215 Radio Öömrang via Wertachtal. Feb.21.11 *1600-1700*  Noted here
with marginal signal at sign-on, gradually improved,  that by 1635
signal was over s7 to s9 level!.

All talk, by male and female speakers,  some bits of English words, but
no ID heard. Off in mid-sentance. Was hoping for something special, for
this once a year event...
Best heard on the windom antenna with the MFJ-941B tuner.

----- Original Message ----- From: "BDXC" Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: [DXplorer] Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz via
Wertachtal Germany site

Not particularly strong here in UK but very clear.
It seemed to start abruptly at 1600 without a proper ID and ended abruptly
with no ID. All in German as far as I could tell, just continuous talk.
Very disappointing.
73s Dave Kenny UK

From: John Herkimer
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [DXplorer] Radio Öömrang on 21 Febr, 16 .00 UT 15215 kHz via
Wertachtal Germany site
Same here in NY. Very strong 1600-1700 with non-stop talk. Was hoping for EG
ID as reported last year.

On Feb 21, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Jerry Berg wrote:
 Very strong at 1600-1700 Feb 21, 15215,
 no EG, no music, "man talking, "woman talking" in
 (I guess) Frisian. Mentioned Kenya, Montreal,
 food, a school, a few other identifiable things. Off in mid-sentence.
 Jerry Berg - USA

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