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Re: [A-DX] drm/dream: software for linux & http://drm.org

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] drm/dream: software for linux & http://drm.org
  • From: Heiko Mandel <hm-dx@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 22:30:24 +0100

Englisch, seelig und gediegen, mit meinem Wissen, bleib ich liegen.


Am 19.02.2011 21:05, schrieb Marc Coevoet:



cd drm
sudo make install

---> in /usr/local/bin

guide followed: would jack/alsa/.. be necessary or useful?


simulation mode selected: no
jack sound driver selected: no (alpha)
portaudio sound driver selected: yes
alsa sound driver selected: no
oss sound driver selected: no
QT GUI selected: yes
rig control via hamlib supported: yes
hamlib with rigparse mode: yes
AAC decoding supported: yes
AAC encoding supported: yes
pcap file format supported: yes
libsndfile supported: yes

(tell me what you hear ..)

Question: is the Pappradio supported?
(I suppose it is, because it uses the audio in)


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