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[A-DX] Amateurfunk via MW Sottens.

  • Subject: [A-DX] Amateurfunk via MW Sottens.
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 19:07:46 +0100

February 9, 2011

Members of the Rav, Radio Amateurs of Vaudios (HB9MM) will activate the 
special callsign HE3OM from Sottens
during the month of February.

Sottens is a small village where the last medium waves transmitter active in 
Switzerland was located. It stopped
its emissions on December 31st, 2010, at 2359 local time.

Permission has been granted to the "Radioamateurs Vaudois" club to use the 2 
giant antennas for amateur purposes.

The callsign HE3OM was chosen for the following reasons:

* The prefix HE3 has already been used in 2004, when the shortwave 
transmitter in Sottens went off the air. At that time the special callsign 
was HE3RSI.

* The suffix OM in French means Ondes Moyennes, mediumwaves.

* Also, OM are the initials of Option Musique, the last program that was 
transmitted over these big antennas.

The tallest antenna, 188 meters high, is used on the HF bands, especially 
the lower bands like 160m and 80m. The "small" mast, 125 meters high is 
connected to the VLF station transmitting on the 137 kHz amateur band.

QSL HE3OM via HB9TOB. For more details, see:


73 Christoph


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