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[A-DX] 23. Januar, Chinese New Year

  • Subject: [A-DX] 23. Januar, Chinese New Year
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 12:01:26 +0100

Am nächsten Wochenende, dann ist halb China unterwegs in die angestammte
Gibt es auch spezielle Radio-Programme?

Dies höre ich aus Tokyo.
73 wb

Western 2011 year - the year of the rabbit.

The 12 horary signs are not related to Buddhism, but the ancient Chinese
custom originally brought from ancient Babylonia.

2011 is the year of rabbit indeed, 2012 is the year of dragon, 2013 serpent,
2014 horse, 2015 sheep, 2016 money, 2017 cock, 2018 dog, 2019 boar, 2020 rat

Radio Free Asia (RFA) issues 12 horary signs QSL in every recent year!

In China they will celebrate Chinese New Year on January 23 (due to the
Lunar calendar) this year.

In Japan Chinese New Year was abolished in 1867, since then Japanese New
Year has been January 1.

This year is the 150th anniversary of Japan and Germany friendship.
Many German Art Explosisions and Artists' performances are scheduled
in Japan. Yesterday I went to see "Der Blaue Reiter" Exposition held in
Mitsubishi No.1 Buiding, a revived 19th century building near Tokyo Railway

Tokyo Railway Station is also being revived as it was in the beginning of
the 20th century in Renaissance style.

150th anniversary of Japan-Germany friend ship logo.

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