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[A-DX] Fwd: Message from Radio City - please check frequencies

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: Message from Radio City - please check frequencies
  • From: Herbert Meixner <hmeixner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:19:01 +0100

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Message from Radio City - please check frequencies
Datum: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 06:16:46 -0800 (PST)
Von: Radio City <citymorecars@xxxxxxxx>
Antwort an: Radio City <citymorecars@xxxxxxxx>

Dear listeners,

Since 2009 we have been transmitting using the service of IRRS Nexus, which provides a good service. Originally the programmes were transmitted from Slovakia and later transfered to Romania.

Yesterday December 29 we also had a programme transmitted by Hamburger 
Lokalradio, which in turn rent the facilities of MV Baltic Radio in 
Goehren, near Schwerin in Northeastern Germany close to the Baltic Sea. 
Hamburger Lokalradio uses 7265 kHz during the morning, 6190 kHz during 
the mid day and then returns to 7265 kHz during the afternoon on the 
days they are operating.

Enclosed you will find their schedule for the coming days. Please check 
if you can receive the station during the different segments 
(morning/mid day/afternoon) and note the reception quality at your 
location. The transmitter operates at 1 kW and is a former utility 
transmitter using carrier and upper side band. There is no lower 
sideband. That means you can listen in AM mode as usual and you will not 
get any selective fading. You can also listen in USB mode. The antenna 
is a dipole antenna about 15 metres above the ground. This may not sound 
much but reception can be quite good if there is no interfering stations.

We kindly ask you to take your time and check the reception and if you like a QSL you have to send your reception reports directly to Hamburger Lokalradio as there is no Radio City programme.

To us you can write a short note about the reception quality and then we 
will compile the notes in order to make a decision if we should 
broadcast a separate programme via this outlet or if we can replace the 
IRRS Nexus transmissions with transmissions by Hamburger Lokalradio 
Many thanks in advance!

Best regards

Radio City - the Station of the Cars

December 31st 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "Focus" (containing reports from Deutsche Welle Radio, English)
0600 "Earth & Sky" (science and technology, English)
0700 "Deutschlandreise" (feature courtesy of DW Radio, German)
0800 "HLR Lalelu" (a capella music from Hamburg, German)
0900 "HLR Herzschlag" (love stories, German)

1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "Literatur Club" (featuring A. Stoltenberg, German)
1100  "HLR Lalelu" (a capella music from Hamburg, German)
1200 "HLR Herzschlag" (love stories, German)

Tuesday, January 1st 2013

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Brazil plus reports in Spanish
and Portuguese)
0600 "Radio Books" (courtesy Huis de Buren, English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German)
0800 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disabled people"
0900 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek)

1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "HLR Wir pfeifen nicht nach Ihrer Tanze" (German)
1100 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek)
1200 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German)

1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

1300 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German)
1400 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek)
1500 "HLR Wir pfeifen nicht nach Ihrer Tanze" (German)
1600 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disabled people"

Wednesday, January 2nd 2013

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Latin America plus reports in
Spanish and Portuguese)
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
0630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English)
0700 "HLR Kultur pur" (German)
0800 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German)
0900 "HLR Technikmagazin" (German)

1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German)
1100 "HLR Kultur pur" (German)
1200 "HLR Technikmagazin" (German)

1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

1300 "HLR Kultur pur" (German)
1400 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German)
1500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Latin America plus reports in
Spanish and Portuguese)
1600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
1630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English)

Hamburger Lokalradio welcomes reception reports and will QSL all correct
reports. Return postage is highly appreciated. Address: Hamburger Lokalradio,
Kulturzentrum LOLA, Lohbruegger Landstrasse 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany;
E-mail: redaktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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