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[A-DX] Fwd: Radio St Helena possible stream and SaintFM closing now

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: Radio St Helena possible stream and SaintFM closing now
  • From: Haun Michael <haun-eschborn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 18:56:52 +0100







-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Radio St Helena possible stream and SaintFM closing now
Datum: 	Fri, 21 Dec 2012 16:13:35 +0100
Von: 	RDC-Roberts-Data <RDC-Roberts-Data@xxxxxxxxxxx>
An: 	Michael Haun RMRC <migu-koenigstein@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Christoph Ratzer
<dx@xxxxxxxxx>, Dr. Adrian Peterson <adrian.m.peterson@xxxxxxxxx>, Bob
Padula <bobpadula@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Kopie (CC): 	Heinz Schulz RMRC <schh@xxxxxxxxxx>, Harald Name gelöscht! RMRC
<HName gelöscht!@xxxxxx>, Dr Harald Name gelöscht! RMRC <DrName gelöscht!@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Dieter
K. Reibold <dieter.Reibold@xxxxxx>

*Radio St Helena Last Day as Live Audio Stream*

*SaintFM to close operations on 21. Dec. at 16:00 UTC *

The new St. Helena Broadcasting (Guarantee) Corporation , Ltd. (SHBC)
(Darrin Henry (CEO))has promised to make a live- audio- stream of the
"Last Day" broadcast from Radio St. Helena,andRalph Peters, the RSH
Station Manager, has put together a special program with many
interesting audio clips withgreetings from people around the world.

This special program is planned for 25. December 2012from 18:00 to 24:00
UTC ( St. Helena has UTC as local time) on 1548 KHz (1 KW) and (we all
hope) in Internet.

From 18:00 to 20:00 UTC, there will be a repeat of the phone-in
Christmas special program with Stedson Francis.Ralph Peters will host
the program live from 20:00 to 22:00 UTC and will present all the
special messages from DXers , DX-clubs, and "VIP's".Radio St. Helena
will be officially closed down by "Mr. Radio St. Helena" himself – Mr.
Tony Leo – at the end of his live program from 22:00 to 24:00 UTC on 25.
December 2012.As of 00:00 UTC on 26. December 2012, Radio St. Helena
will be "Silent Key".

However, it is still not certain that SHBC will be able to provide the
live-audio-stream, as SHBC is still trying to get their new FM radio
station operational by Christmas Day.Also, Mike Olsson announced on 19.
December that his SaintFM, the only other public radio station on St.
Helena, will close down operations on 21. December at 16:00 UTC. SaintFm
has a live audio stream: seewww.saint.fm .If SHBC is not operational by
00:00 on 26. December, then there will be no public radio station
operating on St. Helena over the Christmas and New Year Holidays.

The Internet page to watch regarding the possible live stream by SHBC
is, probably, their home page WWW.SHBC.SHOn the right side of this page
is a dark coloured box with the label "Video & Radio Webcasts / Watch
and Listen Here". Click on this box.On the next screen, the audio stream
indicator is in the upper left. Yourbrowser may need some sort of
plug-in to receive the audio stream.

There will be NO reception verifications issued for this special RSH
program, and this will be the very last time to hear Radio St.Helena.

Ralph Peters (RSH), Darrin Henry (SHBC), Mike Olsson (SaintFM)(in

via Robert Kipp( 21. December 2012 )

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