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[A-DX] Fwd: [perseus_SDR] Perseus 4.0c beta 1

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: [perseus_SDR] Perseus 4.0c beta 1
  • From: Willi Passmann <wpassmann@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 17:35:23 +0100


eine neue Perseus Version ist verfügbar:


vy 73,

Perseus Datenbanken - Third Party Software Guide & mehr

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[perseus_SDR] Perseus 4.0c beta 1
Datum: 	Fri, 30 Nov 2012 16:31:35 -0000
Von: 	alx_mtc <alessio.miani@xxxxxxxxx>
Antwort an: 	perseus_SDR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
An: 	perseus_sdr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello to all,

A new beta Perseus version is now available.
Here is the download link:


These are the main differences with the 4.0b stable release, plus the reported bugfixes.


-Support for Windows 8.

-The servers map is no longer integrated in the Perseus software (when clicking on the "Show Map" button, a default browser window will open). The link between the map and the Perseus software is done by a tool (included in the package) called mttps.exe. During the first run, administrative privileges are required to properly register the MTTP protocol.

-mttps.exe does no longer need the MS Redistributable libraries to run.

-Buttons font rendering was modified to address some users that reported "blocky" or hardly readable labels on some buttons.

-Audio Delay: this new feature inserts a configurable delay in the DSP chain, please refer to the release notes (included in the package) for more information about it.

-FM Deemphasis: enabled while using the FM demodulator. The de-emphasis time constant (50-300 us) is user adjustable from the software Settings window.

-Reversed RTTY and CW settings are now saved in the registry and restored at startup.

-Notch filter stays enabled after stop and re-start while playing a recorded file.

-Default connection timeout when trying to reach offline servers is now 5 seconds.

-Setting a negative offset is now allowed in "Set Filter Bandwidth" command through CI-V.

-When audio output is muted, changing demodulator does not re-enable it.


-Support for Windows 8.

-Support for the delay feature

-Restarting the server is no longer needed after a DNS change

-Blacklist support: using a text file (as explained in the release notes) it is
possible to reject connections from an IP address or family of IP addresses
(server software settings has a new section).

Note: due to a change in the protection algorithms needed to support Windows 8, some users may be unable to use their down-converter license (a few digits might change). In this case, contact me via email.

Enjoy this new release!
The Microtelecom Development Team

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