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Re: [A-DX] Log: R. Panamericana, BOL unid 6105,5 kHz 32342

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Log: R. Panamericana, BOL unid 6105,5 kHz 32342
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <ratzer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:19:49 +0100

> vor ein paar Minuten um kurz nach 00 UTC schaltete man ab.
> Ich meinte zwischenzeitlich SPANISCH gehört zu haben.

Hallo Wolf-Dieter,

Panamericana wurde die letzten Tage auch in den USA gemeldet, sowohl gegen 23 UT von Robert Wilkner als auch gegen 09UT von Ralph Perry:

UNID / BOLIVIA – 6105, unid Andes station, very probably Radio
Panamericana, La Paz, recently reported here by a S American DXer.
Noted 11/16 at 1040 tune-in with unmistakable Andes folklorica program
underway.  Echo anmts in between several songs by bassy OM, very slick
“big city” pro sound to anmts.  Several folkloric selections heard and
thought mention at 1041 of “Bolivia” but not 100% sure.  Rather bad
het, tuff to effectively notch, from Asian on same channel and only
fair signal at best.  This first day, found signal too late since, by
1041, already getting to end of La Paz propagation window into the
Central US.  Could only hold signal till about 1052, when co-channel
Asian station had faded-in enough to overpower my target stn.   After
this first morning’s reception (on a Friday), tried again the next
morning, but only the Asian station there.  According to R
Panamericana’s website schedule, they do sign on at *1000 on weekdays
but *1100 on weekends, so this fits . . . and next chance for me is
Monday morning.  No luck yet in local evenings, when they stay on to
0300* on local weekdays (and to 0100* on local Sat and Sun nites in La
Paz).  Hope this indeed is Panamericana, as would be very nice to have
this great old La Paz station still on the air.  First logged and
QSLed these guys on 6035 kHz back in the late 1970s.  (Perry,

BOLIVIA – 6105.52, Radio Panamericana, La Paz, indeed the one heard
here  2344-0111* on 11/18 (shutdown date).  Very poor signal at first
but faded in to a decent level 0000 and just about peaked around 0025
and maintained moderate signal thru to the s/off.  Best in ECSS with
notch, but never a great signal.  Broadcast of futbol game featuring
famous Bolivian team, “Club Bolivar” (El Mejor Club de Bolivia).
Mentions during xmsn of “cadena Boliviana” at 2345 and possible
“Rrrrrradio Panamericana” at 0002 (was not certain at that point,
tho).  Was much later able to finally determine that the webstream was
a couple minutes behind the 49 mb signal, from a replay of a
“gooooooooal!” and also a specific ad (for Banco Los Andes) at 0110,
just before the shortwave abruptly closed down.  Mentions of
“Panamericana Deportivo”.  Some initial confusion due to webstream
having different studio ancr interjecting comments, from time to time,
which were not on the shortwave xmsn.  Fqy briefly wobbled on down
from 6105.52 to 6105.49 at 0109 and then back up to .52 a minute
later.  At 0102 OM said, “ . . . de La Paz, Bolivia . . .” and 0109,
mentions “…la voz de la capital”.  Very happy to confirm that these
guys are still on the air (or back), but what a crappy signal,
compared to the way they used to bomb in on 6035, back in the day . .
. Perhaps their engineers can tweak the xmtr a bit.  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA – 6105.52, Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 11/19 monitored fqy for
s/on, from 0945 but nothing noted until 1036, when weak signal finally
noted and flute + guitar Bolivian folkloric music in progress.
Probably running to a nominal *1030 these days rather than the
reported *1000, as nothing there when checked a few minutes earlier.
Poor reception and only readable in ECSS.  Het QRM from Asian on fqy
and at best could pick out the musical bits.  Could not hold for long.
By 1045, all but lost.  (Perry, Illinois)

Das sollten wir weiter beobachten. Vielleicht gelingt ja wieder so ein schöner Mitschnitt wie dein mp3 vom Mai 2006…

Radio Fides auf 6154,9 wäre auch noch eine Idee aus der Richtung, ebenso wie auf 6173.9 Radio Tawantinsuyo…

73 Christoph


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