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[A-DX] Fw: 15630 at 0520 UT Oct 30 from P-K works well into Europe. S=8 echo like two way signal getting from different paths..

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: 15630 at 0520 UT Oct 30 from P-K works well into Europe. S=8 echo like two way signal getting from different paths..
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelWW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 06:30:41 +0100

Wer mal Petropavlovsk am frühen dortigen Nachmittag hören will ? Schöner
Mehr-Pfad Empfang. Ausbreitung Richtung Target über Nordostsignal via
Alaska, Western Kanada, und WA, CA, MEX, Mittelamerika bis Panama. usw
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
To: "Glenn Hauser_actual" wghauser@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:26 AM

Subject: 15630 at 0520 UT Oct 30 from P-K works well into Europe. S=8 echo
like two way signal getting from different paths..

RUSSIA. Taking a look at the B-12 VOR schedule which J-M Aubier pointed
to, http://english.ruvr.ru/engradio/

I am surprised to see 15 and 17 MHz frequencies in the evening to North
America --- higher than in the summer, and must be hitting us from E Asia,
not Europe. Will they work? They sure do tonight, Oct 30 at 0237 check
with `In Between` conversation: 17665 and 15630 are very good, in fact the

And 17690 is there but considerably weaker. What are the spex? HFCC shows
15630 0200 0600 1,2,6 P.K  250 67 0 288
17665 0200 0400 1,2,6 P.K  250 61 0 288
17690 0200 0400 1,2,6 VLD  500 50 0 218
Pet/Kam always does better here than Vladivostok for some reason,
considerably further away, despite twice the power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

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