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[A-DX] [OT] Petition to save RCI Sackville (Canada)

  • Subject: [A-DX] [OT] Petition to save RCI Sackville (Canada)
  • From: df5jl@xxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 06:42:09 +0100 (CET)

To whom it may concern... -- 73 Tom DF5JL

Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL has launched a petition to save Radio Canada International's Sackville site from being dismantled.

Thomas says:
Could you please take a few moments out of your day to sign this Change.org petition I started? Your voice will be added to the petition and it will automatically email the appropriate Canadian politicians who could, at the very least, put a halt to the destruction of the RCI Sackville site.  Canada–indeed, the world–needs this vital shortwave resource.

I have more information about this on my blog

You can sign the petition by clicking on this link

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