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[A-DX] WPAS Logs 28.10.

  • Subject: [A-DX] WPAS Logs 28.10.
  • From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:35:32 +0100

Hallo !

27601 UNID Diocese of Kerry oder Diocese of Waterford & Lismore ("Benedict our pope and William our Bishop") 1223 UTC
27605 St. Mary´s Church Ballyheigue, Co. Kerry 0945 & 1100 UTC
27651 Church of Most Holy Rosary Midleton, Co. Cork 1033 UTC
27711 UNID 1011 UTC, vielleicht noch lösbar
27735 St. John the Baptist Croagh, Co. Limerick 1132 UTC
27765 St. Muchin´s Church Rockhill, Co. Limerick 1144 UTC
27791 St. John the Baptist Kinsale, Co. Cork 1220 UTC
27811 UNID 1035 UTC, könnte sich noch lösen lassen, wenn alle gestrigen Todesfälle online sind
27941 UNID 1103 UTC Diocese of Dromore, wo war Bischof John McAreavy heute ?

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