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[A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Hargeisa QSL [2 Attachments]

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Hargeisa QSL [2 Attachments]
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelWW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:29:42 +0200

Baldur ist wieder frei, und fertigt Hargeisa Somaliland Kuuuhhhsels aus.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Berg" <jsberg@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 1:14 AM
Subject: [DXplorer] Hargeisa QSL [2 Attachments]

"SOMALILAND."  7120, R. Hargeisa, nice "Rep. of Somaliland-R.
Hargeisa" card from their consulate in Germany, same address that was
QSLing during 2001-2006, then mostly on 7530; I checked the QIP pages
(http://www.schoechi.de/cl-som.html) and was surprised to see that
they QSLed for someone as recently as 2009, so I gave them a
try.  This is the same card that was used then; see
attachments.  Studio photo on front; date, fqy, "Rep. of Somaliland"
handstamp, signature, details about Somaliland on back, where power
is shown as 10 kw., a holdover from the old days.  Fqys printed on
the card:  6390, 6860, 7120 (underlined), 7530, 11640.  Rcvd in one
month by postal mail for a postal rpt, US$1 and audio CD of my

Address I used is the same as before:  Konsularische Vertretung
Somaliland, Zedernweg 6, D-50127 Bergheim, Germany; and
V/S is the same as well:  Baldur Drobnica [title looks like
"Consultant" rather than Consul], whose name is also in the
envelope's return address.  I QSLed Hargeisa direct back in 1977, but
it's still nice to have this, and probably the only way we are going
to get a postal reply in the foreseeable future. (Berg-MA)

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