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[A-DX] MW TWR 1350 kHz

  • Subject: [A-DX] MW TWR 1350 kHz
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelWW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 00:10:27 +0200

Dies selten berichtet, aus dem britischen DXC Magazine "Communication"
der Ausgabe Oktober gefunden. 73 wb


ARMENIA   1350  TWR in English to Israel. On three Saturdays in August and
September, the last being on 8 Sept, a protestant religious programme in
English beamed to Israel has been heard between 1846-1916 UT on 1350 kHz at
a time when TWR is scheduled. The name of the programme sounds like "Kol
Henua" or "Heshua Ministries" and at the end of the programme a www address
was given. TWR have said that there is no such broadcast in English !
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, BrDXC-UK Oct "Communication" magazine, MW report p20)

The TWR online schedule now shows that a 30 minute programme in English
called "Kol HaYeshua" is aired each Saturday to Israel at 2146 local time
(1846 UT) on 1350 kHz. Seems to be operated by Jerusalem-based Netivyah and
is described as the "first Messianic Jewish radio station broadcasting in
Hebrew to the Land of Israel".
(Tony Rogers-UK, BrDXC-UK Oct "Communication" magazine, MW report p20)

1350 kHz channel uses Kamo Gavar Noratus antenna of old USSR design:

Kamo Gavar Noratus 1350 kHz 8-mast directional sidefire MW SV4+4 antenna at
232degr azimuth towards Israel, built up in 1985 - 1990 era, location at.
40 24 07.50 N  45 11 53.34 E
Image see  <http://www.radio-int.am/photos/9.jpg>

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