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[A-DX] Finnland / Iran

  • Subject: [A-DX] Finnland / Iran
  • From: Günter Lorenz <glorenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 21:14:05 +0200

Wer ob des häuslichen Störnebels nach einer Alternative außerhalb des Salzburger Lands sucht: 
Da möchte man doch gerne hin, um Fauna und Flora zu erkunden, oder?

"Each evening at the same time, at 1630 UTC, we identified dozens of Iranian stations, many with regional programming, and many which we didn't even knew to exist, some unlisted in the World Radio TV Handbook. To give you an idea of some exotic catches on this front, have you ever even heard about Radio Khorasan-e Jonubi from Birjand on 621 kHz or Radio Khorasan-e Shomali from Bojnourd on 873 kHz?"

Patrick, sicher alte Bekannte für Dich? 

D-85354 Freising 
RX: Perseus  ANT: ALA1530+SSB

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