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AW: [A-DX] OT -- RSGB attacked for defending radio spectrum

  • Subject: AW: [A-DX] OT -- RSGB attacked for defending radio spectrum
  • From: "Nils Schiffhauer" <dk8ok@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 06:18:05 -0000

... nur eine Frage - wie hat denn der DARC in dieser Sache abgestimmt? Er hat ja die wohl kräftigste Stimme aller am Hobbyfunkinteressierten in Deutschland, aber im so genannten "Deutschland-Rundspruch" der beiden letzten Male fand sich nix darüber. Sollte er tatsächlich einer Steigerung der HF-Verschmutzung um den Faktor 100.000 fröhlich zugestimmt haben, hätte er damit zugleich alle anderen Anstrengungen zunichte gemacht. Wobei die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem größten deutschen Hörerverband und dem DARC relativ eng zu sein scheint.
73 Nils

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-liste@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-liste@xxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von
> df5jl@xxxxxx
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. August 2012 05:04
> An: A-DX
> Betreff: [A-DX] OT -- RSGB attacked for defending radio spectrum
> Vielleicht werden auch die Rundfunk-DXer und ihre Verbände und CLubs in der
> Sache aktiv, wäre ja zu wünschen. Gerne mit einem Schreiben an Octavia Popescu
> ().
> Vy 73 es best DX
> Tom DF5JL
> --
> The chair of the EU committee on powerline networking has, perhaps
> predictably, attacked the RSGB's call to arms in the battle against PLT radio
> pollution.
> Bill Ray writing on The Register reports that the Radio Society of Great
> Britain reckons the new standard, prEN 50561-1, will water down existing
> requirements, opening the way to greater spectrum pollution, and has asked
> members to lobby their local representatives. But Ronald Storrs, Chair of the
> committee defining the standard refutes that.
> Read The Register article at
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/20/plt_rsgb/
> In a statement the RSGB EMC committee say:
> There is only a very short time window to take action to prevent what will be
> an EMC disaster. Many National Committees will vote early, due to the summer
> vacations. It is absolutely critical that anyone who values unpolluted radio
> spectrum urgently takes the following actions;
> - Contact your national amateur radio society and ask what it is doing.
> - If you are not a member of the RSGB, or live outside the UK, find out who is
> on your NC, contact them and explain the situation, it is important that they
> understand that the proposed PLT standard sets a precedent and its approval
> could lead to widespread spectrum pollution.
> A list of NCs can be found at
> http://www.cenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=104:5:43324536040578
> - It may also help writing to the European Commission:
>   Octavia Popescu,
>   European Commission - DG Enterprise & Industry
>   Unit G4 - Mechanical, Electrical and Telecom Equipment
>   BREY 07/318, B - 1040 Brussels
> - Get the word out, forward this statement to your local message boards and
> radio clubs.
> - When you have a QSO ask other European amateurs if they have heard about
> this issue.
> RSGB board member Don Beattie G3BJ explains the threat posed by this draft PLT
> standard at http://www.southgatearc.org/news/august2012/
> new_draft_plt_standard_pren50561_1.htm
> RSGB EMC Committee Statement on prEN50561-1
> http://www.rsgb.org/news/articlelinks.php?id=0388
> Ronald Storrs is understood to work for a company that provides Power Line
> Communication (PLC / PLT) systems, see CISPR Project Team Dominated by PLT
> Lobby http://cq-cq.eu/cispr22part2
> Source:
> http://www.southgatearc.org/news/august2012/rsgb_attacked_for_defending_radio_
> spectrum.htm
> --
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Diese Mail wurde ueber die A-DX Mailing-Liste gesendet.
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