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Re: [A-DX] QSLs eingetroffen

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] QSLs eingetroffen
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelWW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 19:56:52 +0200

Congrats für die reiche Ernte.

Tse ...

auch 21 Jahre nach dem Ende der UdSSR zieht sich die Verschleierungstaktik
des kommunistischen Systems
(persönlich von late Anatoly Titov - Frequenzmanager - hab' ihn selig)

auch noch heute durch das DXer QSL Hobby.

Simferopol/Krim hat es auf KW nie gegeben.

Das dafür verschleierte Mykolaiev-Luch in der Ukraine liegt 260 Kilometer entfernt, nordwestlich ausserhalb der

73 wb

wir hatten dieser Tage darüber dikutiert.

From: "Vlad Titarev" Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012
Subject: Re: [SW BCB TX Site Archive] Radio Moscow QSL - Vinnitsa TX site

Hi Wolfy,

On Jun 17, 2012, at 1:05 PM, Wolfgang Bueschel wrote:

  Vinnitsa ---> Lviv or Kyiv
could also be Grigoriopol Moldova ?

sure Grigoriopol (Moldova/Pridnestrovye enclave) could be
(and maybe most likely it was, IMHO)

small MW and SW site in URSS era,
veiled as Starobelsk:

there are/were NO HF facilities, village of Pidgorivka
(? AFAIR... I was there ~30+ years ago,
just small 2 MW xmtrs (both less than 10 kW) and few FM (UKW).
It's just another R. Moscow's era fake site.

UKR _ Petrivka Radio Maiak 765 kHz 100 kW 2 masts (veiled Starobelsk)
46°59'24.00"N  30°53'33.26"E

yes, Petrivka was listed as HF but actually never was.

Yevpatoriya --> Mykolayiv
one more fake, widely seen in QSLs. Yes, most likely it was
substituting Mykolayiv HF (village of Lutch)

Ivano-Frankovsk ?? -->  Lviv Mukachevo Lypivka or Grigoriopol-MDA

any RM's fake high power HF site (1950-1990s) actually could be only
one of these five:
Kyiv(Brovary), Lviv(Krasne), Mykolayiv(Lutch), Kharkiv(Taranivka) -
all UKR plus Grigoriopol/MDA.

73, Vlad

Ivano-Frankovsk ?? -->  Lviv Mukachevo Lypivka or Grigoriopol-MDA
Kalach ?? --> St.P.
Kenga ?? --> Novosibirsk
Kinghishepp --> St.P.
Konevo ?? --> Novosibirsk
Kursk ?? --> Balashika  ??
Lazarev --> Komsomolsk Amur ??
Nishni Novgorod ??
Omsk  -->  Tolkyn_RC#7, near Qaraturuk-Kazakhstan
Orenburg ?? --> Ashgabat-Turkmenistan
Orsha  --> Moghilev-Ukraine
Swerdlowsk ?? --> Yekaterinburg ??
Tver/Kalinin  --> Taldom
Ulan Ude ?? --> Selenginsk??
Ulyanovsk --> Kazan
Vinnitsa --> Grigoriopol-Moldova
Volgograd ?? --> Armavir-Krasnodar
Voronesh --> Taranivka/Kharkiv or Kuybyshev/Samara
Zhigulevsk-Jigulevsk --> Kuybyshev/Samara

73 wb

ps. I saw also 3 x 25 MHz channels at that USSR era:
25570 Lvov, 25715 Vladivostok, 25780 Armavir ...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Lindner" Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:06 PM
Subject: [A-DX] QSLs eingetroffen

In nur zwei Tagen traf eine Menge DX Post bei mir ein.
So z.B.:
8 QSL-Karten mit verschiedenen Relais von WYFR
(Simferopol,Jerewan,Taschkent,Abu Dhabi,Nauen)

Tschau aus Gera,
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