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[A-DX] FWD: Well-known DXpeditioner Baldur Drobnica DJ6SI arrested in Greece for "espionage"

  • Subject: [A-DX] FWD: Well-known DXpeditioner Baldur Drobnica DJ6SI arrested in Greece for "espionage"
  • From: tom df5jl <df5jl@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2012 21:41:56 +0200


Three Greek hams are announcing on their blogs that well-known DXpeditioner Baldur Drobnica DJ6SI has been arrested in Greece allegedly for espionage, while in holiday on the island of Kos. He was “producing strange noises” with his computer (CW and RTTY). His activity was spotted on DX clusters. The first blog is featuring a video with explanations in Greek language presented by Baldur’s lawyer. Baldur says in German that he is going to complain to Amnesty International and he answers a question of the lawyer saying that he never experienced such a treatment from authorities of the 70 countries he visited as a DXpeditioner. But he almost lost his life when trying to activate Spratly Island in 1983. Two of his colleagues died. See details on
The current story was covered on my website too in Romanian. Google translation is available on the main page. I am sure the YO hams will keep their fingers crossed for Baldur, who made so many DXers happy with his tremendous activity on the amateur radio bands since 1962. Maybe letters to the Greek authorities would help? …
Francisc, YO4PX

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