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  • Subject: [A-DX] DXA QSL
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <ratzer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 18:43:57 +0200

Guido Schotmans schrieb mir heute:

Hello everyone,

The QSL cards are ready and will be put in the mail today.

Until now we received 136 reports from 35 countries. Details are shown at http://www.dx-antwerp.com 

This is a nice result.  Comparing with our broadcast from 10 years ago we noticed a substantial increase from India and the United States.  It's is strange to see that no reports were seen from typical DXers countries like Sweden and Norway. Furthermore it's quite obvious that reporting by ordinary mail dropped but we still received 24 and maybe there are more to come.

In a few weeks from now we will put the complete program online for free download.

We say a big thank you to everyone that reported reception and also for the kind wishes from all over the world.


Guido Schotmans.

Die Grafik der Empfangsberichte ist recht sehenswert.

73 Christoph


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