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[A-DX] Studio1 - SDR Software

  • Subject: [A-DX] Studio1 - SDR Software
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <ratzer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 19:48:23 +0200

Für alle SDR Freunde, kam gerade über den Ticker:

official from SDR Applications:

Studio 1 is a new concept in Software Defined Radio applications: it is hardware-independent receiving software thought to bring you the best in user interface friendliness, DSP quality, resources efficiency and versatility.

Studio 1 collects the legacy of WRplus including many tips from its large user base; however Studio 1 is very different in its internal architecture and it is vastly superior in many areas.

Studio1 will be available for direct sale at HAMRADIO 2012 and, of course, it will be visible and directly testable in many configurations at WoodBoxRadio booth.

The official regular price is 149,00 Euro but it is available in preorder at special introductory price of 99,00 Euro until 31 July 2012.  Shipment to customers will be through our official distributor WoodBoxRadio after HAMRADIO 2012.

Purchasing a Studio 1 licence gives you access to free updates up to the next major release (not less one year from the previous major release); the product is constantly evolving, including ever new features and improvements. Studio 1 is copy-protected by a  USB device ("dongle"): you can install Studio 1 on several systems at once and simply move the dongle to the one you need.

The price includes: CD of Studio1 and the USB licensing device (dongle).

Thank you for attention.
SDR Applications S.a.s.

A preorder is available starting today on WoodBoxRadio website, the delivery with insured postal service will starts at 26 June 2012 or, if everyone prefers, by hands at HAMRADIO 2012 (no postal cost with special "buy now Studio1 for HAMARDIO" button).

73 Beppe


Dann lassen wir uns mal überraschen wer am Freitag zu Messebeginn als erster eine Studio1 Lizenz in Händen hält.

73 Christoph


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Admin: Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM  http://www.ratzer.at
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