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[A-DX] Re: [A-DX] [A-DX] ERA zurück auf 981 kHz

  • Subject: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] [A-DX] ERA zurück auf 981 kHz
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <ratzer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:12:39 +0200

Am 29.04.2012 um 22:53 schrieb Christoph Ratzer:

> Konnte ich vorgestern, 27. April erstmals wieder "hinter" RAI hören, was die Möglichkeit Star Country aus Irland zu hören noch weiter schmälert…

Es geht also auch anders.

The following is from the mwmasts yg (via DXLD):

>I was listening to a web stream of ERA Sport from Greece today, and several
announcements were made during the broadcast, that ERT board of directors have
decided to return the 981 khz transmitter at Megara back on the air starting
today, April 27, 2012. The decision was made because of many complaints by
listeners who could not receive the station in remote areas on the FM frequencies
after the 981 kHz was turned off in a cost saving move in March 2012.

Christos Rigas 
Chicago, USA<

73 Christoph


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