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Re: [A-DX] Vielleicht etwas für's nächste Wochenende?

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Vielleicht etwas für's nächste Wochenende?
  • From: tom df5jl <df5jl@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 21:43:33 +0200

Hi Clemens,

unter http://www.doese-apprt.de/mrd/others.pdf findest Du eine Liste mit zweieinhalb Dutzend MGY Event-Stationen, die an 100 Jahre RMS Titanic (Rufzeichen: MGY) erinnern.

Uns am nächsten liegt wohl das:

"1912 - Titanic Centenary - 2012

A special broadcast on longwave 147,3 kHz & amateur crossband event
will be held in memoriam of the sinking of

RMS " T i t a n i c "

on 14th April 22:30 GMT until 15th April 02:00 GMT
with NWS transmitter DDH47 on 147,3 kHz in Morsecode only
During 'silence periods' ( red sectors of radio clock) of former
maritime radio service the names of radio officers will be sent in
qrss3 ( 1 dot in 3 seconds !)

Calls from amateur radio on hf will be answered by DL0SWA & DDH47.

Event hosted by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) & employees of TI33,
Pinneberg & amateurradio group Seewetteramt & friends of Prof. Braun Day"

[Info: http://www.doese-apprt.de/mrd/titanic.html]

Beste 73

Am 09.04.2012 21:09, schrieb Clemens Paul:
Für alle MW Fans mal etwas anderes.

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster, the
Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland will be transmitting a special
bulletin near 500 kHz, the distress frequency used by the radio officers
of the Titanic to send their CQD call to Cape, Race Newfoundland.
Please listen on 507.77 kHz CW for VX9MRC between 0001 and 0400 UTC on
15 April 2012. Please note this corresponds to Saturday night, 14 April,
for listeners in the western hemisphere.
For further information, please see the MRCN web page by searching for
VO1MRC on the internet.
Charles Marsh, VO1VZ NL Section manager - Radio Amateurs of Canada
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