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[A-DX] Gerhard berichtet aus Hua Hin in Thailand

  • Subject: [A-DX] Gerhard berichtet aus Hua Hin in Thailand
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 08:50:31 +0100

Als Orientierung der Frequenzen und Sendezeiten ...

MYANMAR Logs from February 22-27, plus March 04-08 with numerous random checks, in Hua Hin, Thailand with Sony ICF-7600GR and telescopic antenna, all times UT.

5770  Defence Forces Bc; always poor, at times down to threshold, but most
probably 0030 to 0430, 0800-0930, again s/on 1130 through 1440 UT.

5915  Myanma R; hrd in time-segment 2330-0200 and 0900-1400, at 1240 UT all
diffferent px (5770, 5915, 5985, 7110, 7345 kHz), hrd through 1340 UT; pres
s/off 1430.

5985/6  Myanma R; 2330-0130 UT s/off; 0930 s/on, checked through 1445 UT,
always strong here.

6030  Myanma R Thazin pres.; 2330 s/on to 0130 UT s/off definitely Burmese.

7110  Myanma R Rakhine pres.; 2330 s/on to 0130 UT s/off, much weaker than
evening transmission reported from Thazin, which supports that these are two
different stations.

7110  Myanma R, previously listed here 0530-0930 UT, no signal, no carrier
in this time-slot.

7110  Myanma R Thazin pres; 1030 s/on through to 1430 UT s/off; always
strong and clear signal here, no QRM.

7200  NEW QRG; Myanma R, first noted March 06 at 0835 UT, since checked many
times in time-segment 0300-0930 UT; I'mn sure it's Myanma R, since hrd
anncts with "Myanmar, Naypyidaw" often; maybe replaced 9400 kHz.

7345  Myanma R Rakhine pres.; another difficult one here, CNR1 in Chinese
always strong, 1110 UT Burmese word px under Chinese, 1245 UT Burmese
stronger, 1330 UT only Chinese audible, tent s/on 1030, s/off 1330 UT.

9400  Myanmar R (non), never heard in indicated time-slot 0430-0630 UT.

9460  Myanmar R, new to me, first noted March 06 at 0530 UT, definitely
Burmese, Mar 07 s/on 0430, s/off 0630 UT.

9590  Myanma R pres.; March 07 s/on 0130, s/off 0330 UT, again hrd randomly
0530-0830 UT, possibly to 1030 UT, but vry poor, mostly carrier only; from
1100 UT QRG virtually blocked by strong CRI in listed Cantonese.

9730  Myanma R; as per schedule s/on 0230 UT, s/off 1000 with English
segments 0230-0330 and 0700-0730 UT

Language always Burmese or closely related regional language, which is next
to impossible to distinguish unless one is a linguist or native speaker.
(Gerhard Werdin-Hua Hin-THA, on the Gulf of Thailand,
wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 8)

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