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[A-DX] PSK-Contest

  • Subject: [A-DX] PSK-Contest
  • From: Michael Wlochinski <meikel.w@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2012 11:53:36 +0100


wer seinen Decodern mal wieder was zu arbeiten geben möchte, hätte heute
Gelegenheit dazu:


Dear Fellow PSK Contester,

The European PSK Club knows you as one of the most active PSK Contest
Operators. We won't miss you in the coming EPC WW DX Contest 2012. This
is just another reminder sent especially for the most active PSK
operators. We would like to invite you again to take part in the
contest, the rules can also be found at  www.epcwwdx.srars.org .

The contest will be held from 12:00 UTC on 04.02.2012 to 12:00 UTC on
05.02.2012 on the BPSK63 mode.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Contest
Secretary at http://www.epcwwdx.srars.org/index.php/contact.html

All the very best and 73!

de UT7FP Victor Stelletski
Club's Contest Judge

EPC WW DX Contest Committee


Michael Wlochinski, DO9MWL
QTH: Mönchengladbach, Loc. JO31fe
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