[A-DX] Neuer MW Sender: Voice of the South China Sea

Christoph Ratzer
Fr Apr 12 20:11:40 CEST 2013

Wenn wir schon bei der Mittelwelle aus Asien sind:

China Radio International has launched a frequency in the South China Sea.

The Voice of the South China Sea broadcasts in six languages, including Mandarin, English, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Filipino as well as Indonesian. You can hear the English programs of the voice of the South China Sea at AM 1008, 1400-1500(Local Time).

The new frequency covers several countries around the South China Sea.

CRI President Wang Gengnian says it is designed to promote peace and cooperation on top of offering radio services on local airwaves

Your feedbacks on the this frequency are most welcome.

Yours sincerely,
English Service
China Radio International


Unklar ist noch die tatsächliche UTC Sendezeit, da sind aber die Experten vor Ort dran…

(Verschiedene Facebook Seiten, gepostet von Tim Breyel, Malaysia;)

73 Christoph
