[A-DX] Scandinavian Weekend Radio

Christoph Ratzer
So Apr 28 14:06:41 CEST 2013

We can now confirm our transmission hours for the 3/4th May the schedule can
be found at:- http://www.swradio.net/schedule.htm
Regretfully we are unable to confirm when our 25m transmissions will be back
on the air if there is change we will post it on here.

(Scandinavian Weekend Radio (Finland) Facebook page 28 April)

[2100 Friday 3rd May - 2100 Saturday 4th May - shortwave 6170 alternating
with 5980 kHz - note to schedule says: "Note: No broadcast on 25 freqs!"]

(via Alan Pennington, BDXC-UK)

73 Christoph
