[A-DX] Voice of Russia 2014

adxb suess
Fr Dez 27 15:45:04 CET 2013

Auf meine Anfrage, wie es mit 2014 und Voice of Russia nun tatsächlich
aussieht - es gab ja nicht immer gleichlautende Meldungen - hat mir Frau
Elena Osipova(Englische Redaktion) wie unten ersichtlich geantwortet.
Kurz gefasst:
Neuorganisation (Zusammenschluss mit RIA Novosti)
KW und MW bleiben prinzipiell erhalten
Frequenzplan wird noch vor Jahresende auf der Homepage zu finden sein.

Dear Mr Suss,

It was nice to hear from you again, thank you for staying in touch with the Voice of Russia.

To answer your question, the Voice of Russia is currently undergoing and massive reorganization - a merger 
with RIA Novosti press agency, for details please go to 


However, we will continue our broadcasts on short and medium waves in the year 2014, the updated frequency 
schedule will be posted on the web site at 
before the end of the year.

Thank you for your unflagging interest in the Voice of Russia and support of shortwave listening.

Once again we are sending you our very best wishes for a Happy New Year and hope to hear from you soon again.

Sincerely yours,

Elena Osipova
Letters Department
World Service
Voice of Russia

vy 73