[A-DX] Nicaragua
Wolfgang BueschelSo Mai 5 09:34:32 CEST 2013
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] Radio Belarus dt. 06.00 6005 kHz?
- Nächste Nachricht: [A-DX] Verkaufe Radiojet 1102S
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FYI ein Tip aus Florida, über den Fischer Prediger: NICARAGUA 8989u "El Pescador Preacher" at 2305 UT with religion en Espanol under t-storm racket, weaker signal than usual, thanks Mark Coady log 29 April. (Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer May 4) Google ergibt dies: I think that the program is carried out by the coastal station transmitter. >From Nicaragua, presumably from Puerto Cabezas. The content of broadcasts- preaching for 45 minutes (monologue), then about 5 minutes QSOs with fishing vessels, the blessings of a job and a good catch. Often referred to Nicaraguan place names. Google führt aber auch zu diesem Bericht über nikaraguanische Fischer. http://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=es&u=http://m.laprensa.com.ni/reportajes-especiales/114719&prev=/search%3Fq%3DEl%2BPescador%2BPreacher%2BNicaragua%26client%3Dfirefox-beta%26hs%3DsQF%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:de:official
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] Radio Belarus dt. 06.00 6005 kHz?
- Nächste Nachricht: [A-DX] Verkaufe Radiojet 1102S
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