[A-DX] RDS wurde 30, RDS 2.0, Hybrides Radio, Brasil: Extensão da Faixa da FM ==> "eFM"
RogerFr Dez 26 00:10:12 CET 2014
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] *SPAM* Log: Radio Activity, Ferrara, 1395 kHz, 22.00
- Nächste Nachricht: [A-DX] Ehemalige Stimme Russlands heißt jetzt SNA Radio
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http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Data_System Der RDS-Versuchsbetrieb wurde ab 1984 aufgenommen, offizielle Einführung war der 1. April 1988 http://www.rds.org.uk/2010/2014-Forum-Meeting.htm The RDS 2.0 project The system, RDS 2.0 that RDS Forum member Attila Ladanyi presented would make use of multiple RDS carriers using the ODA concept. He observed that the implementation of RDS 2.0 would not be very expensive for broadcasters. It was agreed to set up a specialist group to meet at Budapest on 10 to 12 November 2014 and their agreed mandate is: Identify existing unused functions within RDS 1.0; Ensure complete compatibility with RDS 1.0; Establish a consensus on a set of high level customer requirements, PS names with up to 16 characters for example; Define the technical and upgradable architecture based on agreed standards and regulations; Identify the work items and expertise needed. The first deliverable will be the outcome of this feasibility study, to be ready before March 2015 and to be studied by the full Forum for discussion and approval during the next Forum meeting and then define the next steps It was observed that the increased data transmission capacity would help future TTI and Hybrid Radio projects. Other topics considered during the RDS Forum 2014 meeting ITU: The ITU expert report from 2013, “Trends in broadcasting” confirms the long future of FM radio. The conclusions read “FM will remain an important means of delivery of audio broadcasting. In general switch-off of FM stations lies far ahead, but a few countries may have switched-off analogue radio.” Question about FM Band extension in Brazil and elsewhere: On a question raised by one of the Forum members, the Brazilian regulator ANATEL was contacted, who confirmed the planned extension of the FM band down to 76 MHz. This was in fact agreed already. It was remarked that there will be a problem with RDS then in the range 76-87.5 MHz, with no AF codes being defined for that range. With RDS 2.0 this problem could be solved however. It was also remarked that China plans to use FM radio down to 64 MHz, a matter also to be followed up for RDS 2.0 ========================================================================================================================================== RDS2.0 soll voll abwärtskompatibel zum alten RDS sein, bei Frequenzerweiterungen ab 64 MHz gibt es ja schon etliche Kinesengeräte, die auch diesen Bereich schon meistern.... Bei SDR -Empfangskonzepten dürfte auch die Spiegelfrequenzproblematik entfallen. Die Erweiterung des FM-Bandes in Brasilien um den Bereich der TV-Kanäle 5 und 6 soll aber vorerst nur Gemeinden betreffe, in denen der UKW-Bereich überlastet ist: http://revistadaset.com/2014/11/06/migracao-de-am-para-fm-debatida-no-set-norte/ O executivo explicou os detalhes do Decreto que permite a migração afirmando que neste momento a SET/Abert estão estudando a extensão da Faixa de FM, ela ira de 76 a 88 MHz (nos canais 5 e 6 de TV) que será “feita para todo o Brasil, mas será necessária apenas para os municípios em que o espectro esteja congestionado”. Kleinstsender für diesen Bereich gibt es schon: http://sc.bomnegocio.com/florianopolis-e-regiao/audio-tv-video-e-fotografia/link-transmissor-fm-7-watts-stereo-pll-76-108-mhz-55273569 http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-614447378-transmissor-de-radio-fm-7w-antena-cabo-de-audio-fonte-_JM oder als 7-watt-Platine: http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-603516794-placa-transmissora-de-fm-pll-7w-_JM Hier noch ein interessantes Dokument zur Migration MW/OM ==> erweitertes FM "eFM" (Extensão da Faixa da FM e a Migração da Faixa de OM) http://www.anatel.gov.br/Portal/verificaDocumentos/documento.asp?numeroPublicacao=244137 Seite 36, Einteilung der MW-Sender in Abhängigkeit von Sendeleistung und Frequenz in die neuen FM-Klassen. (Reichweiten-ident) Es sind auch die Reichweiten in km angegeben. So z.B für einen 1kW-Sender auf 550 kHz 45 km Reichweite, auf 1550 kHz nur noch 15 km Reichweite (zunehmende Dämpfung der Bodenwelle zu höheren Frequenzen) ===> Map-Grafik auf Seite 29 Kurze Version: http://www.getel.org/docartigoegonguterresMigracaodaFaixadeOMeFM.pdf eFM Kanaleinteilung: http://www.set.com.br/artigos/ed114/ed114_radio.htm =========================================================================================================================================== Boa Noite! roger
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] *SPAM* Log: Radio Activity, Ferrara, 1395 kHz, 22.00
- Nächste Nachricht: [A-DX] Ehemalige Stimme Russlands heißt jetzt SNA Radio
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