[A-DX] Fwd: News for the week 1/2015

Herbert Meixner
Di Dez 30 15:46:05 CET 2014

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	News for the week 1/2015
Datum: 	Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:32:09 +0100

For all friends of independent Radio:

Now our new transmitter finally seems to work with an output of more
than 10 kW,
and we got a lot of good reports for indoor reception with portable
radios and
telescopic antennas, as well as reception with car radio, from all over

Please notice, that you can rent airtime for only 15€ an hour for
occasional broadcasts;
for broadcasts on a regular basis, please ask for conditions.
Remember that some hours, especially during the weekends, may be booked

Radio Mi Amigo will be on air next Saturday; they will be glad for reports.

We plan to be on air from Dec. 31st, later in the afternoon, for a
longer period of time,
to make some final tests and checking the new security equipment that
shuts down the
transmitter in cases of emergency.
Again we ask for your reports how you can receive us, and how you
evaluate quality of our
modulation - thank you in advance.

  From all of us, best wishes for 2015!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Radio Channel 292


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