[A-DX] Madagaskar, 6135 kHz

Christoph Ratzer
So Jun 15 22:47:05 CEST 2014

Ein schöner Hinweis via DXLD:

MADAGASCAR.  6135.00, R Madagasikara, 1859, June 15, football commentary in presumed
Malagasy. Stable on exact nominal freq which seemed clear at first but possible SAH detected
from Voice of Freedom which Thomas Nilsson (tnx!) reports hearing slightly later on 6135.014.
Quite a decent signal compared to former 5010. Also tentative MDG logs of carrier only  on 
June 12, 13, 14, 15 around 0220.
(Martien Groot, Schoorl, Netherlands)

73 Christoph
