[A-DX] VOA Radiogram, 22-23 March 2014

So Mär 23 10:56:42 CET 2014

Am 20.03.2014 19:57, schrieb VOA Radiogram:
> Hello friends,
> Last weekend’s all-MFSK32 “set it and forget it” broadcast of VOA 
> Radiogram worked well for most listeners, so we will do another one 
> this weekend. This time, however, the program includes six MFSK32 images.

Report  ===>   KBC  +  VoA - Radiogram  2014-03-22:

The use of csv formats for tabular overviews in the penultimate 
radiogram (KBC & VoA) is also a great way to save transmission capacity.
For tables in plain text format always all gaps must be sent with.    In 
csv: One structure/pattern-character replaced sometimes a multiple of 
space-characters .......
