[A-DX] Fwd: (dxld) Falkland Islands radio scene [1 Attachment]
RogerFr Nov 7 18:35:43 CET 2014
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] LOG: 14233 kHz/USB G1URJ 14-17 db SNR (2.)
- Nächste Nachricht: [A-DX] FM Kompakt im Radio 08.11. bis 15.11.2014
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__,_._,___ -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [dxld] Falkland Islands radio scene [1 Attachment] Datum: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 15:28:40 +0000 Von: Walter Salmaniw An: > [Attachment(s) from Walter Salmaniw included below] Please see my Word document attached about the current very interesting radio scene. 73, Walt Salmaniw __._,_.___ https://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/12397727/1632675212/name/Falkland%20Island%20Radio%20Scene%205%20November2014%20edit%2Edoc http://tinyurl.com/qya7zuu ".........There are very few local resources available, so when a cruise ship arrives, the local population is mustered to provide transportation. Virtually everyone owns a 4 x 4, which very soon became apparent why! We lucked into having the local JP and retired manager of the FI Company as our driver. He’s lived on the islands for 51 years, and his wife is a 5th generation islander. I questioned him about 530 kHz, and was told that the transmitter is beyond repair and will unlikely return to the air (contrary to the government website). They were most definitely NOT on the air during our stay. As for SW, Terry mentioned that in the old days most everyone had a SW receiver to listen to the news from the old country (UK). I saw very little evidence of external SW antennae during our stay, unfortunately. A quick AM bandscan with my trusty little Eton e100 during the day revealed one weak transmission only. Of course at dusk, the band became alive with continental stations. With all of the endless miles of open spaces, I can only imagine this to be a Dxers wonderland with the possibility of endless Beverage antennae in any direction, but be aware, there are still many places where minefields exist from the 1982 Argentinian-UK conflict. I suspect that the amount of RF noise is minimal, owing to the very little infrastructure, no industry, and few power lines seen. An interesting statistic is that up to 50% of the islands power is provided by wind energy. We did see several large windmills:...." Bei den Bildern in der *.doc ein wenig Sachsen-Anhalt-Feeling: Öde Gegend und reichlich Wundmühlen..... ;-) Ansonsten scheint es noch eingebettete mp3-Objekte zu geben, von denen bei mir aber nur die erste lief: "C__DOCUME~1_Walter_Desktop_MP3FIL~1_FALKLA~3[1].MP3" (442 kb) ====> FIRS-Nachrichten-Mitschnitt News2014 und Nachrichten von 1914 als "Experiment" "...Deutsches Geschwader von Graf von Spee vor der chilenischen Küste......" Anfang Dezember wird sich der 100-Jahre Rückblich von FIRS wohl auch damit befassen: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seegefecht_bei_den_Falklandinseln http://www.firs.co.fk/ http://s1.viastreaming.net:8645/ http://s1.viastreaming.net:8645/listen.pls https://www.facebook.com/www.firs.co.fk/photos_stream?ref=page_internal https://www.facebook.com/www.firs.co.fk ".....We are trying out something in the run up to this year's 100th anniversary Battle Day. The bulletin after BFBS News Plus finishes at 8.10 will not be News Direct but News 1914 - how we might have reported on the news of the time at the time ..." "...Reaction to the News 1914 series that started as an experiment at the beginning of this week seems to have been favourable (thank you!), so it will be continuing until the end of the 1914 events in mid-December ... and, by that time, I might finally have got the hang of doing a BBC accent! roger
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] LOG: 14233 kHz/USB G1URJ 14-17 db SNR (2.)
- Nächste Nachricht: [A-DX] FM Kompakt im Radio 08.11. bis 15.11.2014
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