[A-DX] re Harald's 15215 FEBA Tibetan - 25 Jahre 'währendes/altes' Programm !
Wolfgang BueschelMo Aug 10 16:41:32 CEST 2015
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TIBET [non]. Philippines QSL received by the Tibetan program FEBA. It's called Gaweylon Tibetan programme. Soon be available on dxing.ru. This is not a station, this is the program for the Tibetans, which acknowledges receipt. By the way, this year it celebrates 25 years of being on the air. Currently, it broadcasts in 15215, 1200- 1230 UT through Dhabbaya [UAE] (Vasily Kuznetsov, Moscow, Russia /"open_dx" via RusDX 2 August) Don't the Tibetans have enough problems without the Christians butting in? And how can you be truly Tibetan if you have converted from Buddhism to Christianity? What percentage of dentro-Tibetans are professing or secretly Christians now; is it possible to know? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) genauso ein Schwachsinn die fundamentalen Liebenzeller Missionisten mit deutschen Kleinkindern als Missionare in den Jemen zu schicken - wb.
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