[A-DX] Log: 12065, IBRA+AUS, E+A, 1708...UC, 07.12.15

Marc Coevoet
Mo Dez 7 19:46:01 CET 2015

Op 07-12-15 om 18:10 schreef Herbert Meixner:
> IBRA mit S=9 und O=3/4 schon staerker, aber fuer's QRM reicht es allemal.
> ------
> 12065 R.AUSTRALIA    0930-2058    1234567    English    100    355
> Shepparton    AUS
> 12065 IBRA MEDIA    1700-1830    1234567    Arabic    250    102
> Woofferton    G

This is not a good coordination: shortwave is large enough to split 
channels 10khz, instead of 5khz!


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