[A-DX] (kein Betreff)
Horst MehrlichDo Feb 5 08:39:47 CET 2015
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Habe eine Fehlermeldung von Google bekommen. Sende dieses Mail noch einmal. Hallo zusammen Habe einen Beitrag gefunden, kann aber damit nichts anfangen. The Fun has Begun: K1N Navassa Island DXpedition is On the Air! *#DX* <https://plus.google.com/s/%23DX> *#DXpedition* <https://plus.google.com/s/%23DXpedition> *#hamradio* <https://plus.google.com/s/%23hamradio> *#amateurradio* <https://plus.google.com/s/%23amateurradio> 02/02/2015 Decisions, decisions. Watch the Super Bowl or try to work the K1N Navassa Island DXpedition? Given that the Super Bowl happens every year and that a chance to work Navassa Island (KP1) might not happen again for another 10 years, a multitude of operators opted for the latter choice, after K1N team operators fired up on 40 and 80 meter CW. Understandably the pileups have been gargantuan — with stations stretching 10 kHz or more up the band from K1N’s transmit frequency. Stations trying to work K1N should not transmit on the DXpedition’s frequency. K1N will always be operating split frequency. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) controls access to Navassa Island (KP1), and it’s been more than 22 years since it was last activated. ClubLog’s DXCC Most Wanted List puts Navassa Island at #2, right behind North Korea (#1 on phone, #5 on CW, and #4 on digital modes). K1N will not be operating on all modes on all bands but plans to limit most bands to a specific mode, “so that we can work the pileups down to the last little pistol,” the team has said. Once on the island, the DXpedition team members reported strong winds, high temperatures, rats as large as cats, scorpions, black widow spiders, and even some Haitians. Eight team members had arrived on the island as of February 1. Six remain in Jamaica. The team continues to set up stations for other bands and hoped to have four to six stations up and running by the end of the day (February 2). Plans call for K1N to remain on the air for approximately 10 days. Late last week, a station, apparently in Europe, was pirating the K1N call sign on CW and RTTY. Source: http://www.arrl.org/news/the-fun-has-begun-k1n-navassa-island-dxpedition-is-on-the-air Gruß Horst -- QTH Bardudvarnok / HNG RX AOR 7030 30 m LW
- Vorherige Nachricht: [A-DX] (kein Betreff)
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