[A-DX] 17765 Manara Radio --> 15440, 13.06.15
RogerSa Jun 13 10:34:19 CEST 2015
- Previous message (by thread): [A-DX] 17765 Manara Radio --> 15440, 13.06.15
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Am 13.06.2015 um 09:48 schrieb Patrick Robic: > Artikel zum Start der Station: > > http://scannewsnigeria.com/news/organisation-launches-multi-media-channels-for-outreach/ ".....The radio station would be received on SW 15.440 frequency in morning hours and SW 177.65 frequency in the evening, the television station would be broadcast on 11595 Channel..." technische Details etwas "unscharf" ;-) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Manara-Tv/342992939214413?fref=nf Za a iya sauraron MANARA Rediyo kai tsaye a gajeren zango wato (SW) kamar haka: Safe: 8:30am zuwa 09:30am a 15440 KHZ Maraice:5:00pm zuwa 06:00pm a 17765 KHZ Ayi sauraro lafiya. UTC-1 MESZ+1 Programmende 08.28z, Sender off air 08.30z Masu kallonmu na kasar Saudiyya da kewaye, da kasar Sudan zasu iya samunmu akan wannan adreshi: Tauraro: NileSat Frequency: 11641; Symbol: 27500; H Rate: 5/6 2. Masu kallonmu na kasar Najeriya da Nijar da sauran kasashen yammacin Afirka da kewaye zasu iya samunmu akan wannan adreshi: Tauraro: NileSat Frequency: 11595; Symbol: 27500; V Rate: 3/4 Manara TV ...don kyakkyawar rayuwa mai albarka. http://pulse.ng/religion/media-manara-television-and-radio-launches-in-nigeria-id3859193.html The new channel is expected to benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims by helping them to understand the teachings of Islam, he added. The new Manara channels won applaud from Nigerian officials and religious leaders alike. Mit Jamming ist also nicht zu rechnen. roger
- Previous message (by thread): [A-DX] 17765 Manara Radio --> 15440, 13.06.15
- Next message (by thread): [A-DX] 17765 Manara Radio --> 15440, 13.06.15
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