[A-DX] VOA Radiogram, 30-31 May 2015, includes SSTV
RogerSo Mai 31 01:08:53 CEST 2015
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Am 28.05.2015 um 16:28 schrieb VOA Radiogram: Hello friends, It has been several months since we last transmitted slow scan television (SSTV) on VOA Radiogram. Emiliano in Italy notes that the International Space Station has been using the PD180 SSTV mode. He suggested that we compare PD180 SSTV images with our usual MFSK32 images. And, so, we will do that this weekend. To decode PD180, download MMSSTV from http://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php . (In theory, MultiPSK also decodes PD180, although I have not yet successfully decoded PD180 using MultiPSK.) In the MMSSTV interface, under RX Mode, right-click on any mode to reveal the complete list of modes. Left click on the mode for it to appear in the main menu. "Auto" under RX Mode should detect that PD180 is the mode, but to be safe, manually select PD180. After the image is fully decoded, you can right click on the image, then Copy it to MS Paint or other program that lets you save images. Or, by clicking on MMSSTV's History, you can use the left-right arrows to find the image you have decoded, then use the copy icon, or right-click to copy. Another twist in this weekend’s show will be the transmission schedule in Olivia 64-2000 16 dB under the closing music. That will be followed by the usual “thank you” message, also in Olivia 64-2000, but at full level. The RSID will not be sent during the second Olivia 64-2000 transmission, so if you missed it at -16dB, set the mode manually. ====================================================================================================================== Hhm, was the strong noise jammer from 16.02-16.05z @ 17870 kHz also part of a test.?........ ;-) I made two IF-recordings (2 Rx + 2 antennas), so I could decode 4 tracks with various fading behaviour. This made it possible zu reconstruct the disturbed MFSK32-part. Very amazing also Olivia -16 db under audio-level. The decryption worked with the 1st attempt http://www.rhci-online.net/radiogram/VoA_Radiogram_2015-05-30.htm#VOA roger
- Previous message (by thread): [A-DX] 7430 kHz wer?
- Next message (by thread): [A-DX] Log : 9420 kHz, Helliniki Radiophonia, 0841 UTC/ O = 4
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